The Matrix strikes back, I guess
A bit of a breather, after the challenging tasks of the past couple of days! ☺️
On day 2 I said that the task's input felt like a representation of the Matrix - I found this to be even truer for today's task, lol.
We start with a list of pairs that we're told represent an X,Y
Starting from the top, each coordinate is the position of a byte that falls into the memory space, making it corrupted - so for example after the first 12 falling bytes we have a grid like this:
The task for part 1 is to simulate the fall of the first kilobyte, that is the first 1024 bytes, onto the memory space. Then we need to find the best path from the top-left corner to the bottom-right corner avoiding all the bytes.
Nothing too complicated for now.
We simply need to read the first 1024 lines of the input and parse the coordinates to determine where the #
"obstacles" are placed.
const grid: Grid = new Map<string, string>();
for (let y = 0; y < side; y++) {
for (let x = 0; x < side; x++) {
const coord = `${x},${y}`;
if (lines.slice(0, firstCount).some((l) => l === coord)) {
grid.set(`{${coord}}`, '#');
} else {
grid.set(`{${coord}}`, '.');
We can then figure the best path out via a classical exploration algorithm using BFS:
function findPath(grid: Grid, end: Coord, side: number, firstCount: number) {
let currentPos = new Coord(0, 0);
const queue = new PriorityQueue<State>((a, b) => a.length - b.length);
queue.enqueue({ position: currentPos.serialize(), length: 0 });
let visited = new Set<string>();
while (queue.size() > 0) {
const { position, length } = queue.dequeue()!;
const curr = Coord.deserialize(position);
if (curr.equals(end)) {
return length;
if (visited.has(position)) continue;
for (let n of getNeighborCoords(curr)) {
const neighbor = n.serialize();
if (grid.get(neighbor) === '.') {
queue.enqueue({ position: neighbor, length: length + 1 });
return -1;
Moving to part 2, it is a matter of using the remaining part of the input - of course, when has anyone ever seen an AoC task where part of the input is ignored until the end? 🙄
The bytes keep falling onto our memory grid, and we're told there's a moment when all the possible paths to the end get blocked: our goal is to find the first coordinates of such byte, effectively making the end unreachable.
I could bet there is a more efficient way to achieve this, but I decided not to try and be too smart - after all my function for part 1 was already pretty fast (~90ms). My idea was simply to keep adding bytes to the grid and call the pathfinding function, until it returned -1
meaning that a path could not be found.
function findFirstBlockingByte(
lines: string[],
end: Coord,
side: number,
firstCount: number
) {
let count = firstCount + 1; // Starting from 1024 + 1
let grid: Grid = new Map<string, string>();
while (count < lines.length) {
for (let y = 0; y < side; y++) {
for (let x = 0; x < side; x++) {
const coord = `${x},${y}`;
if (lines.slice(0, count).some((l) => l === coord)) {
// Introducing a new byte to the grid with each iteration
grid.set(`{${coord}}`, '#');
} else {
grid.set(`{${coord}}`, '.');
const path = findPath(lines, end, side, count); // Use the function from part 1 to find a path, if any
if (path === -1) {
return lines[count - 1]; // If path not found, return the coordinates of the byte that caused the blockage